
Greed In The Pardoners Tale

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The pardoner's tales illustrates the sin of Greed with its characters and in its plot. The pardoner's tale was around the 14th century and chaucer develops a moral of the tale. With this in mind, Chaucer shows how the greed is used in the story, in its characters, and the significance of that sin during its time period. The pardoner’s tale incorporates “Greed is the root of all evil” in its story. To begin with, three rioters find out that their buddy has been killed by Death. The rioters plan to kill Death and to avenge their lost friend. The sin is used when the rioters talk to an old man that tells the rioters that they will find Death under the oak tree. As the rioters go to the oak tree, they find eight bushels of Gold. They decide to
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