Greek Goddess Demeter Research Paper

363 Words2 Pages
Greek Goddess Demeter In Greek mythology, Demeter was very generous. Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, played a very important role in the myth of her mother. She was the goddess of agriculture, fertility and the sacred law of the harvest. Demeter also introduced wheat to mankind, teaching them how to grow crops. Demeter was a lovely and kind person with many family members. , Rhea. She was the second daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Inheriting her connection with agriculture from her mother. Demeter also birthed a goddess named Persephone, by Zeus, who was a playful and happy girl. One of the most important myths about Demeter is the one about her daughter, Persephone, being abducted. Hades, Persephone's uncle, thought she was very beautiful

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