The Similarities Between The Odyssey And Batman

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Books, movies, and TV shows tell the story of heros that have gone through adventure, aid, trials, and defeat; they are the key to writing an epic Epic. But from looking at a glance, how could a Greek poem from thousands of years ago be relevant to a 2005 film about a billionaire's rise to fight crime and justice? Surprisingly, there are many connections between these two works of film and literature. What both two of these works have in common is that they use the Hero’s Journey plot circle. In general, the format sees a protagonist being called to adventure. For example: Bruce meeting a man who urges him to train and The Trojan War. As both stories progressed, they are greeted with a road of trials to test their wit and strength to prove …show more content…

For instance, indirect characterization plays a crucial role in both two works. In The Odyssey, the dialogue is used to give distinct personalities and convey emotions of the characters. As Odysseus arrives to the Land of the Dead, he is greeted by a ghost of Elpenor, one of Odysseus’s crewmates. The ghost wept and mourned for his own death, pleading his once-commander to hold a funeral for him. He begs Odysseus to “not abandon [him] unwept, unburied” (389). The readers could see the desperation and hopelessness of Elpenor. When looking at a film like Batman Begins, Dialogue is a must for viewers to understand the film. Without any dialogue, it is difficult to see the development of characters. When Batman encounters Ra Al Ghul in his own mansion, dialogue were exchanged to inform Ra Al Ghul’s master plan and Batman’s dream to save Gotham. Imagery and vivid descriptions also plays an important part in both works. For example, when Odysseus struck a man with an arrow under his chin during his encounter with the suitors, the author turned the story into a gory one. Describing how the blood runs from “his nostrils jetted crimson runnels, a river of mortal red” (408). Batman Begins emphasizes a lot on imagery as well. The lighting, composition and angle of the camera angle all convey a mood and gives readers a clear idea on what the setting is like. As viewers see Gotham for the first …show more content…

The messages that could be found in the The Odyssey contains: honor and glory, vengeance, perseverance and sacrifices. Most of the messages found in the poem could be used to describe Greek ideologies and values. However, the poem also displays the negative side of Greek values. When Odysseus reveals himself to the Suitors of his return, he accuses them for all the things they have done. “You took my house to plunder, twisted my maid to serve your beds. You dared bid for my wife while I was still alive” (409). All of the heinous actions that the Suitors committed all display the greed and lust. When looking at Western/American ideologies and values in Batman Begins, they seem to share almost the same values as the Greeks, but to a less extreme extent. Americans value the change, justice and equality. When looking at the film, Batman fights for justice and crime to save his city from danger. Surprisingly, the antagonists of the film also relates to fighting for equality, but in a more cruel fashion. Ra Al Ghul’s agenda was to save the city from corruption. In response, he would create a plan to cause the whole city of Gotham under mass