Greek Influence On Western Civilization Essay

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Since the collapse of the ancient Greek civilization, the West has undergone enormous change. Greek classical culture and civilization have inspired contemporary western society. Democracy, the arts, literature, theater, Western philosophy, sports, and many other things are among these influences.

Modern Western culture and civilization have been impacted by classical Greece. How classical Greece has influenced contemporary Western society and culture.
Democracy as we know it now was impacted by the Athenians, and after years of struggle and survival, it evolved into a contemporary western society where democracy rules the way of life (UntoldEdu, 2021). Not just in Western societies, but all around the world, democracy has been adopted.
Ancient Greek civilization valued literature and theater, which were inextricably linked. The presentation of tragedy plays during religious festivals in Athens started in the sixth century BCE. These, in turn, influenced the Greek comic play type (Khanacademy, n.d). Greek art, notably sculpture and …show more content…

The basis for all contemporary theater is found in the works of playwrights like Sophocles and Aristophanes. Their theories laid the groundwork for Classical Greek philosophy, which investigated humankind's potential for logic and pursuit of truth.
Modern architecture was inspired by earlier architecture.
In a nutshell, this was the discipline that the Roman Empire eventually embraced and later found its way into contemporary western society (Mulvania, n.d).
Theater in the West (Drama), although there are historical dramatic traditions that predate the Greeks, the dramatic genres that developed in the ancient city-state of Athens are the origin of contemporary theater as we know it.
On the island of Pelops in the western Peloponnese, the Olympic Games initially took place. Theodosius, the Roman emperor, outlawed the games, which were originally held as a homage to the Olympian gods.