Greek Mythology: Zeus, The King Of Gods

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Ishita Mittal Tsuji AP Literature Period 5 28 August 2014 Greek Mythology Explanation/Description: Implication (When you see this term in a poem or text, what is the purpose of including this reference?) Zeus (Jupiter) Zeus was the king of Gods, the supreme leader of the universe. He was the last child of Cronus and Rhea. He was known for his numerous love affairs. Zeus is most commonly associated with the thunderbolt and lightning. Cronus was known for eating all his children up because he was warned that one of his children would depose him. However, Rhea made sure that Cronus did not swallow Zeus and hid him away. When Zeus was old enough, he came back to his father and demanded that he regurgitate his siblings. After Zeus's revolt …show more content…

She is the sister and wife of Zeus. Every year, Hera's virginity is given back to her when she bathes in the Canathus well. Her children were conceived without the help of a man. Hera was always jealous of Zeus's various love affairs and punished his other kids and wives. The peacock and cow are her sacred animals. Symbols of marriages that are dedicated to her are the crow and pomegranate. When authors are referring to Hera, they are depicting a character that is not very amiable. The main features of the characters are jealousy, stubbornness, and ready to argue. She would do certain actions out of spite. However, when it came to children, she would become a motherly figure. A "Hera" does have good intentions yet starts to fall by the power of jealousy. Athena (Minerva) Athena was the daughter of Zeus and he took care of her on his own, without a mother. Athena was born out of Zeus' head and she came out fully-grown and armored. She sprung out when Hephaestus split Zeus's head with his …show more content…

The character will not back down when it comes to protecting their society and civilized life as a whole. An "Athena" knows exactly what to do in various situations because she has power and wisdom in her hands. They are good-willed and have the best intentions for everyone. She will go out of her way to help the ones in need. Hermes (Mercury) Hermes was the son of Zeus and Maia. Even before he was a day old, he started his career; his career consisted of stealing other people's possessions, Thus, he was named "Master Thief." Hermes was very graceful in motion; however, he was also the most cunning God of them all. Hermes was the god of travel, athletics, thievery, and writing. Besides all of these, he was also Zeus's personal agent and messenger. Hermes is most commonly known as the god of messenger. Hermes was also the guide for the dead in the underworld. If a character is referred to as Hermes, the character is most likely mischievous. The character is extremely clever and is always planning their next step. The character is good in sending messages along. However, the character cannot be trusted especially around worthy objects. A "Hermes" is so adept to stealing that most people do not notice when he is

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