New Deal Thesis

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Brief Background and Aims of the Thesis The term “Green New Deal” has been used by a number of policy documents created in response the global financial crisis and economic recession since 2007/2008. This title openly draws upon Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal,” put in place to fight against the economic and social effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States. However, as the name also indicates, the intention of the modern Green New Deals is to respond not only to the social and economic troubles ignited by the global financial crisis but also increasingly evident contemporary environmental, resource, food, and energy-related problems. The idea of a Green New Deal was first advanced in Great Britain in 2008, by the Green …show more content…

With this research project, I will examine the evolution of the Green New Deal concept among the Green New Deal groups of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Great Britain through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis. The research question the thesis will examine is “How have the political, economic, environmental, and social themes contained within the ‘Green New Deal’ concept and related ideas and proposals, evolved in the different Green New Deal initiatives within Great Britain, Ireland, and Northern Ireland?” Related sub-questions will also be considered, including: “What are the differences and similarities between the Green New Deals of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Great Britain?”, “How are dominant political and economic paradigms replicated or challenged in the discourse of each text?”, and “What are the major differences between the groups and stakeholders within each of the three Green New Deal initiatives, and how can these differences be …show more content…

These sources will focus most directly on the genesis, development, and transmission of the Green New Deal concept. They will lay the groundwork for a series of comparisons by highlighting the origins, influences, and evolution of many ideas contained in the Green New Deal documents, as well as illustrating the complex dialogue concerning the transition to more sustainable economies and the failure of the different Green New Deal initiatives to be substantially integrated into government economic and environmental policy in Great Britain, Ireland, and Northern