Greenfield Development: A Plan For Growing Sydney 2030

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There are a number of ground-breaking implementations, codes, directions, and processes to expand Australian urbanism (ACNU,2008). Those projects comprise Main Street-based Town Centres; Central Business Districts (CBDs); Retrofitting and/or Revitalising Existing Urban Centres; Brownfield Inner Urban Regenerations and Infills; Small to Medium-sized Urban Infill Projects; Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs); Greenfield Urban Extensions, Regional Growth Strategies; State Growth Codes; University and Town Centre Integration; New Towns and Alternative Approaches to Rural Residential at the Urban Fringe. This section will focus on greenfield and brownfield developments. Greenfield Development can be defined as a development that occurs in areas that previously used for non-urban purposes, such as agriculture, landscape design. The vast majority of new development is occurring in Greenfields at outer fringes of metropolitan area. On the other hand, Brownfield land is development site which originally used …show more content…

First goal is “A city of housing choice, with homes that meet our needs and lifestyles”. The direction encompasses accelerating urban renewal by providing homes closer to jobs; improving housing choice to meet different needs; and delivering well planned greenfield precincts and housing by developing a framework for new growth centres. Greenfield development in new growth centres will be dedicated in the North West and South West Regions. In recent years, housings in greenfield areas have showed significant growth in Sydney. Therefore, the government anticipates that the housing plan in greenfield areas will be able to increase housing supply across the whole metropolitan areas. By providing more houses in greenfield location, it will enable people with different needs to live closer to jobs, schools and public

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