Greg Heffley Character Analysis

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1. Describe the main character. Consider personality, age, what they are into, who are their friends or enemies and what are their values e.g. do they value their family?
Greg Heffley is a preteen boy and is the narrator of the diary. Greg's main goal is to work through his best friend, Rowley, having a girlfriend and not hanging around anymore. Friendship and loyalty is very vital to Greg, so the fact that his best friend has abandoned him is an extremely significant occasion in his life. Most of the time Greg writes and draws about things he and Rowley used to do together, knowing that they can't do any of those events anymore because Rowley is spending all his time with Abigail.

2. Describe the setting in which the characters find themselves. …show more content…

Identify 1 language feature from the novel. Explain its purpose for the reader. For example, the author uses a simile to enhance the description of the character.
The author has done a lot of foreshadowing in this novel. Before Rowley started dating Abigail Greg foreshadowed that Rowley would never get a girlfriend. Throughout the book, Greg foreshadows many things like his art will transfer into cash and that he is going to win the lottery. This devise attracts the readers by making the reader read more to find if it really was true or not and keeping them guessing.
9. Discuss any features the characters might have in common with you. Can you identify with any aspect of the character? E.g. the character might play the guitar like you or the character’s parents may have separated.
One thing in common between Greg Heffley and me, we foreshadow about things too much, which isn’t necessary. In between the Greg was also interested art and wanted to become an artist, before when I was twelve I also wanted to become an artist, now I have changed my mind, however, I still love art. I don’t like to wake up early and so doesn’t Greg. Greg Heffley is normally late for school because of troubles, while walking to school. I also can be late due to problems at