
Grendell's Portrayal Of Women In Beowulf

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The movie is really interesting, there are funny scenes and because it is an epic movie, we can expect that there are actions made by the character that a normal person cannot do and some of the events happened that do not really happened in reality. Many immoral deeds are viewed in the movie. One of them is when Grendell fought with the Danes men, some actions are too brutal and I can’t take to see it. Although, it’s really part of the movie, to be more appealing and to show that Grendell is really strong. I don’t get what Unferth always did to Cain, a child whom he always kicked whenever he wanted. A child like him should not suffer that kind of torture. Some of women in the movie seduce men and it makes the images of woman unpleasant. Lastly, …show more content…

I was inspired by the love of the Queen for Beowulf. She never gave up and never thought stop loving him. Even though one night she saw a lady came outside of their room, she didn’t became mad or anything. It’s not that she is a martyr person, but I think he just love King Beowulf, she is very understanding and she doesn’t want to have an argument about it. In the end, I’m happy when Beowulf said that he too loves the Queen, from the beginning, despite that he had an affair with other. I felt that he is sincere when he said it to the Queen Alas. Another character that I was touch and got inspired with his attitude is to Wiglaf. He is the best friend of Beowulf. He is a loyal and a very true friend. Wiglaf remained at the side of Beowulf until the end and he never doubted and yet he still believed to Beowulf’s heroism even there are rumors spreading that Beowulf did not really killed the mother of Grendell. For me, that’s the spirit of true friendship. Furthermore, Wiglaf’s kindness was returned by Beowulf by making him as the new king. Beowulf showed braveness and courage in the movie, it is very admirable. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his kingdom and he really fought Grendell without hesitant and without using any weapon. However, I became sad when he had an affair with the lady and he agreed to have a son with the monster, in exchange for reigning the Danes successfully and for him to be known all over

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