Grid Research Paper

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Grid is a racing game, which played on play station 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. It was developed and published by Code masters, the creators of the TOCA/Race Driver series. Grid is based on speed. I personally love racing video games that is why I chose this game because; it is the most interactive game. In my opinion I think that Grid is simply about the focus I give to and I don’t pay any attention to what is around me, I was placed in control of a character where I made the decisions. I chose where to go, what to do, whom to talk to, and felt like I was actually in the game racing. According to Text Rain, I believe that out culture of computer and digital technologies are the new forms of media “ media forms are not just channels for information, they also provide experience” (Text Rain 12). From our experience feedback, and being part of the user/ participants/ authors/ observers are expanding how the new generation of digital art would be. To further my understanding about video games is that, is it really affecting new generation? Do people really feel like they actually are in the game? What kind of interactive experience should I gain? To expand on those questions I believe that …show more content…

I was able to increase my score/point as I was winning. This game creates context for action, it is collective stories that help us connect our individual gameplay to a much bigger mission. I interview my friend over text message because he is far away from me, and we both were not able to see each other. When I interviewed him, he also stated that the helps him to enhance better, makes him to break the world record, beat the limited time, and also inspires to play over, over, and over and to become good racer. It is because Grid is collective context where everyone can share his or her scores, thoughts, experiences and information; it is not just and individual