
Grounded Theory Essay

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Health care encompasses components of diagnosis, treatment, health promotion and rehabilitation. The process of dying and death is not usually at the forefront of one’s mind when reflecting on health care delivery. Nevertheless, Statistics Canada reported that 64.7% of the Canadian population’s deaths occurred in a hospital setting (2011). For this reason I have chosen ‘death’ as my phenomenon of interest to explore in this paper. Specifically, I will speak about the relevance of the experiences of registered nurses with death and dying in a surgical care environment. I will use this as my proposed topic for a qualitative research study. I will show through a review of relevant literature purpose for and need to explore this phenomenon further through a grounded theory approach. Finally, I will formulate a provisional research question and discuss possible implications for my proposed research study.
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For this reason the purpose of my grounded theory study will be to explore the registered nurse’s perceptions of the process of death and dying on a surgical unit. A study of this design and topic will be a valuable addition to the knowledge of how registered nurses perceive the process of dying in a surgical setting. This study will be used to formulate a theoretical explanation of the process of death and dying in a surgical setting (Loiselle, Profetto-McGrath, Polit, & Beck, 2007).
The provisional research question inherent to the research study will be, What are the perceptions of registered nurse with the process of death and dying in a surgical acute care environment? Sub questions could include open-ended questions such as, how do nurses feel about this? Are they prepared in a post-surgical environment where patients are ambulatory ideally day of surgery and length of stay on the unit is 7-10

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