Groundwork Of The Metaphysic Of Morals By Immanul Kant

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In 1785, Immanuel Kant wrote the “Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals”, where he laid out his theory of deontology. [1] In this paper I will list his three main formulations of the categorical imperative and give an explanation of them. Answer the question, how adequately does these formulations put forth as a statement of what morality requires of us. I will go further to answer the next question, which is what is the meaning of the distinction between treating human beings as means and as ends. I will also answer, what bearing does it have on our behavior and give an example. Kant was view as a main contributor to modern philosophy and influenced modern thought in his day and even in our technology-advanced society that is the world today. …show more content…

Kant describes it as a compass that one can use to know the way to distinguish between good and evil. [4] He suggests that we should “act on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”[5] An act is wrong if the maxim cannot be willed by you or others into becoming a universal law. This means that whatever is universally agreed to is what right or wrong without exception. Kant’s rules are absolute and cannot be violated. Kant relies on logic and for the maxim behind the action to universal, not the consequences of the action. For example, you must always tell the truth, nor matter what the consequences are for telling that …show more content…

The identity of a person is strung with the rationally of their actions, not their egos. “A person’s rationality is definitive of what we are made of, our absolute worth. The motivation of actions to conform to universal laws is our respect for our own self-identity as rational beings. To be rational beings is to submit ourselves to universal laws, respecting others as much as oneself. [6] In his final formulation of the categorical imperative, is Kant’s principle of autonomy, or the autonomy of will. Meaning that every rationally should be able to reason to know the necessary conclusions to act morally, as “maker of laws in the kingdom of ends”. [7] The autonomy principle lets the principle to hold solid as time passes. Kant believes the ability to obey universal laws that you will into existence, the awesome feeling of freedom. My Opinion of the Formulations meanings to us and our Morality

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