Group Roles: Case Study

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III. Group Member’s A Roles
1. What status did the member hold in the group? Group member A serves as the alternate for the Student Representative to the Board.
2. What level of influence did the member have? The Board members are ultimately responsible for making the final decisions for Hampton City Schools; however, she offers a unique perspective that is considered prior to making decisions.
3. What task roles were displayed? In this particular group setting, member A was an observer. She did not really participate in discussions, but she observed the process for the purpose of communicating what she observed to the student body.
4. What maintenance roles were displayed? In this particular setting, the maintenance role displayed is follower. …show more content…

Group Member’s B Roles
1. What status did the member hold in the group? Member B is a member of the school board.
2. What level of influence did the member have? Member B is responsible for assisting the Board with setting general school policy and, within the framework of Virginia Board of Education regulations, to establish guidelines that will ensure the proper administration of the city school program.
3. What task roles were displayed? The task roles displayed is energizer because he raised the level of enthusiasm in the meeting. He was an evaluator because he analyzed and caused the group and the students to analyze its accomplishments according to a set of standards. He was also an opinion giver because he provided his opinions, beliefs, facts, values or point of view relative to the task to summarize and move forward.
4. What maintenance roles were displayed? The maintenance role displayed is encourager and supporter. Member B accepted the contributions of others, is responsive to others ' ideas, and build upon others ' ideas.
5. What individual roles were displayed? In this particular setting, member B acted a team player. I did not observe any individual …show more content…

She introduced each member of the board and she initiated the motion to approve the consent agenda. The Board adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert’s Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval Board of the Board by a single motion. The consent agenda is a meeting practice which packages routine committee reports, Board meeting minutes, and of the other non-controversial items not requiring discussion or independent action as one agenda item. This can saves time by allowing the Board to approve this ‘package’ of items together in one motion. The board discusses several issues prior to the public Board meeting. At the end of the meeting, The Chairman, Martha Mugler, opened the floor for comments from the other Board members and she adjourned the

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