1. From what you know about the members of the jury, what members demonstrated the following Group Roles - supporting, process observing, blocking, and withdrawing? Give specific examples as evidence of your opinion. (See page 46)
In the beginning of this movie it's very clear that these men have made up their minds about this young man's guilt. They think this is going to be a slam dunk of a case and that this child is guilty plain and simple. That is all except for Juror number eight. He's the only supporting in favor of the young man that is on trial. After the second vote do we then see that Juror number nine follows the not guilty vote. He along with Juror number eight are convinced that something does not add up and that this young
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We start with Juror number twelve again who started the conversation. He was standing alone and while not popular slowly starts to gain the respect of others by converting their thoughts. Juror number nine starts to come around and then starts to follow Juror number twelve. Slowly we start to see everyone started to change their vote. Juror number two is on the fence so we think that he'll be the next to change his mind but instead we see Juror number five. I think that the leadership was effective because by standing behind his point and proving the young man's innocence he's able to convince others of this as well. Juror number twelve plays out the nights events for everyone to see clearly. He provides little pieces of information that then start other conversations within the group. All this while we see that Juror number three is slowly unraveling. He seems to me to be the leader of all the guilty votes. Him and Juror number ten. Both are very upset.
I think the Leadership styles that were used here include Leader-as-Technician Juror number eight is very analytical and is an Architect. He uses his expertise to recreate the scene and call out specific details that are time specific to prove the boy's innocence. He knows these men are all looking at the facts and that the others he's won over he's done so because he's able to prove a