
Growth Mindset Persuasive Essay

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Kills creativity
Fixed mindset not growth mindset
Obsession of grades over feedback.

I believe that schools are not preparing us for life. Schools focus on grades not on the learning. The most important part of our lives has been turned into a tournament of champions spanning across 13 years. I think you can agree with me when I say that we have all experienced crammed late night work days. We have all experienced at least one day in our school years where there is just too much work to do that we end up sleeping at 1:00 am. Too tired to get out of bed, let alone listen in class. We experience these overstressed days because of the pressure of what an 8 level piece of work needs to be. What is the purpose of school? Don’t institutions exist to prepare us for what the future has in store for us? If education is going to rely on …show more content…

How can we students follow the growth mindset way of thinking when the grading system sticks a fixed number on each of us? Well, on the bright side there is one subject that is trying really hard to have the growth mindset at it’s core. And that is: DD. There are no specific due dates or over arching assignments. You can work at your own pace and the work build on what you progressively learn, and show that it’s possible for you to keep improving overtime. It is even more outrageous, when you consider the literature and art subjects: English, Chinese, Visual Arts, Film, Music and Drama. How can you place a rating on how a piece of artwork looks? On how well a poem is written? On how well a piece of music is composed? On how well an actor uses drama techniques? On how well a film’s artistic intention is? Or how well it’s executed? It is a subjective rating, and creative juices cannot flow when there are boundaries in which you must tread. In this way, schools kill creativity they don’t embrace

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