Gun Violence In Schools Essay

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Introduction This generation faces issues that grow as the people do, one problem being violence in schools, school shootings specifically. One of the multiple possible causes of school shootings is the lack of parental guidance that is necessary to a child's development. The effects that follow are increased security in schools, an overall sense of fear that can prevent a student from focusing and learning in class, and most importantly, the loss of the lives of students. More schools across the U.S. are taking intense safety precautions in hopes to protect their students and staff. With the possibility of a shooting happening, fear is built into the minds of the people in a school, though many have never experienced it before. But, the main effect of gun violence in schools is the loss of lives, something that can never be replaced. Gun violence in schools is becoming an increasing issue, and there are multiple lasting, negative, and troubling …show more content…

Though many kids have not experienced a school shooting, there is no doubt that they still fear the possibility of it happening. “Millions of kids have not lived through a school shooting but are filled with fear that they will” (Dvorak, 2018, para. 7). The mental health of students is put to the test as they fear the chance of their school being a target for a shooting. Students may even begin to fear each other because they become so insecure about their personal safety at school. “Another obvious effect of school violence is that many students end up feeling fearful of other students or of going to school” (Dworjan, 2018, p. 3). Students should never have to fear for their life while they’re going to school, but they do because of the violence in this generation has brought on. Kids fear for their safety, their schools, and they fear their peers because of how common these shootings have

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