Guns Germs And Steel Thesis

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Guns, Germs, and Steel, is a highly intellectual book written by Jared Diamond. Throughout this book the author puts together a sufficient answer to Yali’s question, which goes “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” It may also be rephrased as, why did Eurasians conquer and colonize the Americas, Africa, and Australia, and not vice versa? Over the course of 2 pages I will evaluate and analyze Diamond’s theory. Diamond’s thesis is that different people developed differently based on the influence of environment and geography, rather than the biological make up; an example would be the Maori and Moriori, each group originated from Polynesian people yet one was far more superior to the other. The Chatham’s Island, where the Moriori lived, was far too cold for agriculture, compared to the Northern island of New Zealand, where the Maori lived, where it was warmer …show more content…

Some of the main points I have gathered from each chapter, go as follows: animal domestication set societies propelling forward; animals produced milk, fertilizer, meat, provided transportation, and etcetera, due to these resources, these societies would obviously be advanced. Eurasia specifically domesticated horses, so in battle, they were superior. While livestock was appreciable, they were all the breeding ground for diseases; those who contracted the infections got wiped out, while those who got through them became immune; when conquering a new territory they brought those germs with them. Distribution of “cargo” depended on the type of latitude a continent had; Eurasia’s trade was faster due to the similar climate, seasons, and latitude. Agricultural development was established when food production was adopted; Europe embraced Asia's cereals, livestock, and

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