
Gwendolyn The Mother Analysis

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In Gwendolyn Brooks “The Mother,” Gwendolyn does not write a persuasive or opinionated poem. She stays focused throughout the entire work on her experience with these abortions, she never changes topics or ideas throughout the work. The reader sees in the beginning of the work Gwendolyn’s explanations of how she regrets it and what she misses, from quotes like in lines 7-8, “You will never wind up the sucking-thumb, Or scuttle off ghosts that come.” These feelings of regret remain from the first stanza into the second. Gwendolyn states in line 13, “My dim dears at the breasts they could never suck.” The purpose of Gwendolyn’s writing about her abortions is to inform readers about her experience, and how much she regrets this. Gwendolyn focuses on presenting this work in a non-persuasive way. She wants the reader to see her experiences with abortion, nothing more nothing less. Thats why this poem is so concentrated on her regrets and what she misses.
Emily Dickinson writes in “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” about the short journey to her grave after she had passed. A unique trait about this poem is the attitude it is written in. It is not a “sad” poem …show more content…

The reader can imply that the character is a very busy man taking a break by the title. The reader can then go into the writing and see that he is a very busy man on a mission. This comes from the lines 13-15, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep.” This secures the idea that the character is a super busy man, with no time to stay in the peacefulness of the woods. Frosts decision to paint such an elaborate scene for the reader is a very smart move. This helps the reader better understand the poem, how even though these woods are so beautiful and peaceful, there is no time to sit back and enjoy them. Theres work that has to get

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