HIV/AIDS In Escambia County

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The Florida Department of Health reports that 703 people living with AIDS and 543 people living with HIV reside in Escambia county. According to Pensacola News Journal, Escambia county is the poster child for the AIDS epidemic and sexually-transmitted diseases. Escambia county has consistantly been ranked 12th and 13th out of 67 counties in Florida for having the most reported AIDS cases.
What is HIV/AIDS? It is a disease that is a severe loss of the body 's cellular immunity,greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy. HIV is also called the human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS as well is known as, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, both interfere with the body 's ability to fight infections. Spreaded by sexual …show more content…

There are so many different strains of HIV, the two main types are HIV-1, the most common type found worldwide.HIV-2, this is found mainly in Wedstern Africa, some cases India and Europe. IF treattment is lefted uncured it coukl take around 10 to 15 years for AIDS to develop, when HIV has severely damaged the immune system. Some damage may be cause cancer, malnutrition, and weight loss as well as organ damage. With earlydiagnosis and effective antiretroviral treatment, people with HIV can live a normal, healthy life. HIV is found in the following body fluids of an infected person: semen, blood, vaginal and anal fluids, also breast milk. HIV cannot be transmitted through sweat, saliva or urine/ feces. AIDS is referred to as …show more content…

HIV infection or late-stage HIV. A person with AIDS may develop a wide range ofter various health conditions including: pneumonia, thrush, fungal infections, TB, toxoplasmosis and extromegalovirus. There is also an increased risk of developing other long term conditions, like cancer and brain damage. CD4 counts refers to the number of T helper cells in a cubic millilitre of blood. When a person 's CD4 count drops below 200 cells per millilitre of blood, they are said to have AIDS. By examining the illustrations, on What Have You Heard About AIDS easily captivates us with the various quotes surrounding, the couple on the ad. Trinidad & Tobago made this advertisment based off of the many questions asked when at the thought of HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS is a disease that can be timeless and Trinidad & Tobago make sure that the male and female are aware. He shows the girl and boy both pondering questions, for example the female askes the male about who can get it and how can we stop it? With the male responding back with decisive questions, like , can it be cured and what does it look like? By using the sloggin "Don 't Guess the Answers!" Learn The Truth About AIDS! they want to bring the audience to an understanding that HIV/AIDS is a terrible disease. This is killing off the nation.
In conclusive, to the propaganda ad, the poster advertises that people today need to be aware of this form of disease. It doesn 't just spread to adults, it can spread to kids immune system. getting