HPC Code Of Ethics: What Is Sibert´s Anaesthetic Phase?

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Anaesthetic Phase
According to the HPC Code of Conduct (2015), all registrants and students must respect service user’s right of confidentiality. Therefore, the author will fictionally refer the patient as Sibert. Before Sibert came to theatre for surgery, a pre-assessment is conducted in the pre-assessment clinic. During this assessment, medical history, general health and family history are checked and assessed. Aikenhead et al., (2007) stated that full medical must be compiled before surgery as this will in some way affect the anaesthetic process. Sibert had no history of medication or drugs taken. Having this information was important because drugs may cause resistant to induction agents or sedative drugs as mentioned by Davis and Cashman, …show more content…

The National Institute of Health and care Excellence, (2008) (NICE) issued national guidelines of what checks should be done in anaesthetic room. The Sign in on the WHO surgical checklist was conducted. The WHO surgical checklist requires practitioners to confirm details such as patient’s identity, surgical site, allergies, consent and airway issues. This was done before induction of anaesthesia. McHale and Tingle (2007), stated that it is a legal and ethical principle for practitioners giving care to patients to have a valid consent before starting treatment. This will show that the patient’s rights are being respected and it is a fundamental of good practise as recommended by HCPC, (2015). Haynes, et al., (2009) mentioned that WHO Surgical Checklist will provide efficient planning of and it will minimise errors thereby providing safe and effective patient care. The ECG and Blood pressure monitors were the put on Sibert by the author whilst the anaesthetist was preparing the drugs. Sibert was having a General Anaesthetic. Sibert’s vital signs before induction of anaesthesia were in the normal range. The author assisted the anaesthetists to establish venous access by slightly sweezing Sibert’s hand to expose the veins. The anaesthetist then inserted the Intravenous Cannula size 18 gauge venflon. The venflon was then secured with a transparent …show more content…

When Sibert was not responding the anaesthetist then allowed a slow inhalation of Isoflurane to be delivered to patient through the face mask. When the patient was fully anaesthetised the author assisted the anaesthetist to secure the airway by passing size 4 Laryngoscope and size 8 endotracheal tube (ETT). The ETT was cuffed and tightly secured. Sibert was then transferred to the operating table and monitoring continued. Anaesthesia was maintained with O2, Isoflurane, and N2O on spontaneous ventilation with closed circuit. Anaesthetist explained to the author that Isoflurane was suitable for Sibert because of his age and healthy status. Furthermore, Smith et al., (1992) also mentioned that Isoflurane is a good anaesthetic agent for adults and causes less cardiovascular effects. Again, Frink et al.,(1992) emphasised that Isoflurane when used on patients with ASA grade 1,the incidence of post-operative nausea and vomiting is very less even though it causes respiratory

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