HPCOS82 Week 2 Assignment Questions And Answers

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HPCOS82 title-page v 1.0
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51089165 2
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 3
PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 3
RESEARCH PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 3
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT .............................................................................................................................. 4
RESEARCH QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 4
ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................... 4
KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS …show more content…

People from different sections of the universe are interacting, collaborating, socializing and doing other different activities via internet, which in turn exposes their personal information in cyberspace. Lack of knowledge and cyber security awareness makes these people to be vulnerable to hackers and other malicious players who use the cyber environment. These has been supported by Furnell, Bryan, Phippton, (2007) when they argued that personal or individual internet users are highly exposed to security threats while using their own home computers. It is therefore important that internet users should have clear understanding of all the risks of using internet, the importance of protecting their personal information and the outcome if this is not done

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