Habitat For Humanity Introduction Essay

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INTRODUCTION This report will focus on two companies that I could possibly find work with upon graduating from college. The first company is Habitat for Humanity which has many office and locations Los Angeles and Orange County, and the other is The Irvine Company based in Irvine. The information found in this report was obtained from the Internet and personal interviews I conducted as well as personal experience with the company HABITAT FOR HUMMANITY BACKGROUND/HISTORY Habitat for Humanity International commonly referred to as Habitat for Humanity or even simply Habitat is an international, nongovernmental, and nonprofit organization, which was founded in 1976. The mission statement of Habitat for Humanity is "Seeking to put God’s love …show more content…

All jobs have records and deadlines that have to be kept and then given back to corporate. MY background and education made me a prime candidate to fill any one of their jobs, Secondarily HFH has resale stores that my background and skill set would be valuable because HFH take all kinds of donations from construction companies as in house part that have been replaced and are now sold at a resale store. Any and all house/construction goods can be found at resale store. Having a background like mine I would be able to know and price accounting all items brought into the store, as well as the skill to handle and deal with the store employees and the public as they come into the store on a daily basis. They like a person to have some accounting background because you will work with numbers on a daily basis; they want a background of 5 years or more in the construction field with the knowledge of reading blue prints. They want a person to have Microsoft Office applications skill that include word, excel, that can handle the daily accounting of money brought n and cost as they are broken down for daily and weekly cost on construction

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