“Hacksaw Ridge”: the Film Review Hacksaw Ridge is a war drama based on documentary materials; it was directed by Mel Gibson and first demonstrated in 2016. The film tells story of Desmond Doss, a man with difficult fate. The character does not want to interact with weapons because of his faith and negative previous family experience, like an assault on his brother with a brick or an attempted assassination of own father, which hit his wife, Desmond’s mother. But Doss decided to join the army despite of his believes; the main part of plot happened in Japan in 1945. His refusal of weapons’ usage created contentious relationship with officers and fellow soldier; Doss even fell for tribunal, but was saved by his father, who participated in the Great War. The character went to war and proved the soldier, or a military medic in this case, can be useful even without a gun. Desmond saved dozens of …show more content…
The first shows lighter, brighter shades like grass and leaves. During the war green color is presented by more “gloomy” hues like military uniform or a rocket in the night sky that Doss saw in his nightmare. The film often shows characters’ faces in close up; these frames constitute a majority of the movie. Camera focuses on characters’ faces and moves slightly following their heads’ motions. This approach makes viewers focus on people’s expressed emotions and interactions rather than their environment. At the same time Hacksaw Ridge has enough battle scenes to be treated as an action movie rather than a philosophical drama about external and internal cumbrance of war. Most frames were filmed from operator’s point of view; in other words, viewers saw them as uninvolved observes. First minutes after Desmond first came down from the ridge were an exception; this scene was filmed from character’s point of view, highlighting the severity of the experienced