Hair Loss

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Hair fall or hair loss is not limited to women or older indiviauls alone. In factm, hair loss is a natural process ofthe body that affects both men and women from allwalks of life. Oftentimes, people contepmlate eabout some of the things they can do to strengthen their haiir without the utilzation of syhtethic products. Forntuneely, by eating0hair streneging nutriients, which you undeubldy do on a daily baias, and by aovding damaging grooming practics as well as to implment a few hair ftenrng tips, you can reviatilize your hair in only 5 mintues a day. 1) Clean Comb Many people are well aware odf the fact that they shouldnot comb wet hair or that they should comb their hair carefully in order fro them to avoid the possbility of dmaaninge it. However, what few people appear to know is that one of the worst things you can do is to use a dirty comb. You should always clean the comb before and after you use it as well as to give it a throurghly cleaning atleast once per month by soakng it in baking soda and lukeewarm water. The reason beng is that fithly combs …show more content…

For example, even though natural oils protect and strenghen ach strand of your hair, your washing habits as well as the temperature can strip those natural oils away and make your hair more scuubtile to falling out. In addition to that, physical objects can aslo damage your hair as well. For example, when you are just in the beggingin stages of growing your hair out, its highly reocmmned that you use a cover to avoid the possibilitiy of enocuntering tangled hair strands that goes hand-in-hand with a good nights rest. The point being is that you shuld use a hair cover as well as a spray that can help to protect your hair from the outside factors that can damage it, such as a styling spray that consist of protein, mano acids and other stenfghtenig compounds for