
Haiti Health System Essay

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Type of health system Haiti has had a weak health system, which was negatively affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2012 (Skolnik, 2012). However, even before this disaster occurred, Haiti was not recognized as having quality health services (Ivers, 2011). In 2000, Haiti was ranked 138th for overall health system performance ranking (World Health Organization, 2000). Haiti is also recognized as a low income country, but spends a larger portion of their Gross Domestic Product than predicted by their income (Skolnik, 2012). Because Haiti utilizes various funds from non-governmental organizations, public sectors, and private investors; it is considered a pluralistic health system (Skolnik, 2012). Description of healthcare delivery Haiti …show more content…

During the 2010 earthquake, over half of Haiti’s healthcare system was destroyed, along with 10 percent of the medical staff who operated these services (MSF, 2015). The MSF reported spending over 72 million dollars in care relating to Haiti within 5 months after the earthquake had occurred (Skolnik, 2012). Non government organizations such as the Partners In Health have donated money and services to help over 4 million of Haiti’s population (Partners In Health, 2016). Private sectors play a dominant role in Haiti’s health funding, paying for around 77.2 percent of Haiti’s health expenditure (World Bank, 2015). Covered services Haiti is still working towards achieving universal health care, but is still lacking money for funds due to the 2010 earthquake (MSF, 2015). Primary health care was a necessary step after this natural disaster, where primary health clinics treated hundreds of people daily for conditions like maternal care, vaccinations, and mental health services for months after the earthquake (Skolnik, 2012). As Haiti works towards universal health coverage, it must reduce the financial barriers and create incentives to strive for an increase in covered patrons (Skolnik,

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