Haitian Revolution Dbq Essay

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The Haitian revolution was a global event in terms of its origin, its process, and its legacy.

In 1791, within only two years of the start of the French Revolution, an organized slave revolution had begun in France’s richest colony of Haiti. There, slaves from Africa and their mixed race descendants learned of the result of the French Revolution which strove for equal rights and freedom of all men. In the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen document 2 of the Declaration, a result of the new National Assembly, setup a direct conflict with the French Code Noir, a code regulating slave colonies including the treatment of slaves. In the minds of Haitian slaves, the differences between their status and treatment in the Code Noir versus …show more content…

The process of moving from these conditions to revolution. After a colony was pushed forward by multiple events. For example from document 4, Napoleon's effort to re-establish salary had the opposite effect when he arrested Toussaint, a popular Haitian rebel. Toussaint did not share the same origin as a typical Haitian slave but went on to lead and train the rebels. The slaves now familiar with military training found new approaches against the French troops. Demoralized French troops were not as effective at fighting due to sickness and a lack of will to fight against rebels who had ideals from the French Revolution. Document 5 indicates actions against the French such as hangings in their fight for …show more content…

He feared the influence of the Haitian Revolution on Americans' own slaves. He was so concerned that he attempted to shut down any connection with or influence by the revolution occurring in Saint Dominique as outlined in document 7. Thomas went on to make sure trade ceased with the colony while backing the actions of the French Government. The slaves’ fight for a free Saint Domingue eventually had impacts on Spain and Britain as the global impact of the revolution continued. Both Spain and Britain attempted to intervene in Haiti as the British attempted to take over the colony when France left. Spain, who controlled the other side of the island, tried to disrupt the colony based on the video