Hamantaschen Essay

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Every nation has its own festivals and holidays to celebrate particular events. The Jewish people commemorate their national holiday, Purim to solemnize the deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman’s planned massacre. Celebrating the day, they eat a special cookie, named Hamantaschen, a pastry noticeable for its triangular shape, which is often referred to Haman’s hat or the ears of Haman. In the sense of revenge, the Jewish nation considers eating the cookie eating part of Haman, who planned to slay all of them. Not only the Jewish people signified the cookie’s meaning according to their festival, but also they have its original meaning of the and historical meaning of the cookie based on the Bible. As every word has its own connotation, so does Hamantaschen. It was originated from Eastern Europe pastry called, Mohntaschen. In this expression, Mohn represents poppy …show more content…

The Book of Esther in the Bible precipitated Hamantaschen, which is often acknowledged as the hat or ear of Haman. Haman was a figure from the Bible who was a vizier of a city. In the Bible, Haman discorded with Mordecai, the brother of Esther, since Mordecai disobeyed the regulations Haman enacted to abuse his authority. Irritated by the recalcitrance, Haman plotted to massacre every Jewish follower. However, Esther, the Jewish queen, informed her king of this plot, saving the Jewish nation and putting Haman to death. Through the wisdom of Esther, the Jewish people escaped from the tyranny of Haman, deciding to celebrate the day when his death was executed. In order to remember and revenge what Haman had done to the Jewish people, they cooked a special cookie, Hamantaschen, modeling after Haman’s hat or ear. This cookie is to commemorate the emancipation of the Jewish people from the constraint of Haman, who schemed to slaughter the Jewish nation for his own

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