Hamlet Decay Of King Essay

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Hamlet by William Shakespeare illustrates the decay of a kingdom. Claudius murdering the old King marks the beginning of the deterioration. Even though Prince Hamlet is the protagonists of the play, he becomes a part of the decay. He allows his emotions to take control of his decisions and actions in his quest for revenge. On the surface of the play, Hamlet is the victim who is out to correct the wrongs with his philosophical decision making; however, he can also be the instigator of the death of many people around him due to his irrational and one-track mind. During the beginning of the play, Hamlet cannot believe that life has gone on without his father; his mother remarried soon after his father’s death and not to mention it is to his uncle, Claudius. According to Rachel, Lisa, and Tara “Positive social support has been …show more content…

The newly married Claudius and Gertrude wants Hamlet to stay at home to be a family – at least in the eyes of the public- before Hamlet has known about the ghost (which readers might view as the couple are being worried about Hamlet due to the fact that the death of his father and the marriage of his mother take place so close in time) is a form of positive social support. Hamlet, however, still hasn’t gotten over the emotional pain of losing his father. Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler proposed one grieving process called the five stages of grief shows that denial is one of the stages of grief. This stage helps people survive the loss of loved ones by pacing people’s feelings. It is nature’s way of letting in only as much as one can handle, it is the psyche’s protective mechanisms (“Beyond the Five Stages of Grief” 1). Even though Hamlet’s denial is a way to cope with his

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