
Hamlet Violence Analysis

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Have you ever drifted away from your own sanity in hopes of getting revenge? Does the thought of violence or chaos cross your mind when it seems like the world is out to get you? In one of William Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies, Hamlet, acts of violence seem to follow each and every character in the play. In the beginning, Shakespeare throws Hamlet into a whirlwind of change and endless emotions. With his father just being murdered by his uncle Claudius and Polonius banning the relationship between him and Ophelia, the only thought running through Hamlet’s mind was anger and revenge. The acts of violence throughout the play comes in three different forms; murder, suicide, and combat. Hamlet kills Polonius, Ophelia goes mad and commits …show more content…

After a short conversation between Gertrude and Polonius, Hamlet entered the room while Polonius, acting as a spy, hid behind a tapestry. As Hamlet converses with his mother, he hears something and thrust his sword in its direction, killing whatever had made the noise; Polonius(3.4.24-30). This sudden act of violence wasn’t intentional, however Hamlet felt no guilt in committing it. After purposely acting insane towards Ophelia, he knew that she would go back to her father and tell him. Polonius did everything to keep them apart, which eventually drove them both insane. The murder of Polonius not only sparked anger in the King, it sparked anger in Laertes, Polonius’s son. This specific scene of violence contributes to the overall meaning of this play by showcasing one of Hamlet’s diverse emotions. The lack of trust and constant paranoia controls Hamlet’s ability to think and act sanely. After Hamlet kills Polonius, his mother is quick to ask why he would commit such a sin. Hamlet quickly responds by belittling, insulting, and making fun of his mother for what sins she has committed. The ghost of King Hamlet then appears and reminds Hamlet that his mother is not the problem and that he must seek revenge for his father’s death. The violent act of Hamlet murdering …show more content…

After an agreement to a “friendly fencing match”(5.2.154-6), Laertes and Hamlet picked out their swords for battle. This specific act of violence leads to a snowball effect of devastating events. As Hamlet began to win the battle, Gertrude drank a poisoned drink that Claudius had intended for Hamlet to consume. Hamlet is stabbed with Laertes poisoned blade. All was the fault of the King. At this point in the story, readers begin to infer on who is going to live and who is going to die. In the end, everyone but Hamlet’s best man, Horatio, lives. This act of violence began the tragedy of this story. As a whole, this story is full of pain, disappointment, and lack of trust. Hamlet trusted no one and it got him far, but not far enough. Claudius trusted a selected few and still ended up being killed by Hamlet. Even though Hamlet got revenge for his father's murder he was too late. This combat scene between Laertes and Hamlet have the readers at the edge of their seats. Hamlet’s quick temper and clouded judgement cost him his life. Although this scene is primarily seen as one of disappointment and sadness, it could also be seen as one of relief or even hope. Hamlet got what he wanted by killing the king, Laertes got to join his sister and also got revenge on Hamlet for killing his father, and Claudius got what he wanted in Hamlet’s death. Horatio is the hope of the kingdom and is the only person left alive to

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