
Hamlet's Foil Characters

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In Shakespeare's many writings he likes to use dramatic patterns, one is foil characters. These characters can be two or more different characters that have similar overall traits but have one diverging difference that sets them apart from each other. In Hamlet, Hamlet has many foil characters for his many character flaws. Fortinbras and Laertes foil Hamlet, displaying his flaws to the point where Hamlet himself becomes aware of his own flaws. Claudius, however, foils Hamlets showing a good characteristic that Hamlet had taken too far and ushered him to his death. Having known what his flaws are, Hamlet tries to change them but he waits until it is too late. Fortinbras and Hamlet have plenty of commonalities and differences. While both are from royal families and lost their fathers they have turned out so different. After seeing the army Fortinbras had raised for the small amount of land he was fighting for, Hamlet acknowledges that Fortinbras is better:
. . .I do not know
Why yet I live to say ‘This thing’s to do.’ Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means
To do ‘t. Examples gross as earth exhort me:
Witness this army of such mass and charge, Led by a delicate and tender prince, Whose spirit with divine ambition puff'd
Here Hamlet …show more content…

Hamlet on the other hand tends to share his and others people’s desires when choosing what actions to take. His actions have shown that he cares about other people’s feelings. This becomes obvious when Hamlet apologizes to Laertes and when he agrees immediately to help his dead father exact revenge. This decision to help his father wholeheartedly is initially what started Hamlet down his path to his death. This shows the flaw that he is will to do whatever to help his father even if it means dying. These actions show Hamlet’s compassion and in comparison to Claudius, they are vastly

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