Babylon was one of the most amazing civilizations that has ever existed. They were well known throughout the ancient times and they are still well known today. Some of the things they are known for are Hammurabi's Code, Nebuchadnezzar II, and the Hanging Gardens. Hammurabi's Code was important to the people of Babylon because it was used to keep peace and order in their civilization. It was written by the Babylonian King Hammurabi during his reign from 1792-1750. This list of laws was very detailed and described many things. It has 282 laws and dealt with everything from economic provisions, family law, and criminal law to civil law. The penalties for breaking the laws varied, depending on your social status and the circumstances. The diorite stela, the stone the code was written on, was found in Susa in 1901. It was found by the French Orientalist Jean-Vincent Scheil. (Sampaolo, Tikkanen) …show more content…
He gained control of Babylonia back from the Assyrians in 605 BC. (Smith 20-20,22,26,78) After doing this he returned Babylonia back to its former glory. He is most well known for building the Hanging gardens, but he built so much more than just that during his reign. He built a new palace and expanded the city of Babylon to the other side of the Euphrates river. Nebuchadnezzar also built a bridge across the river to make transportation much easier from one side of Babylon to the other. (Kohn 26) King Nebuchadnezzar was thought of as a very religious man. He built many new temples in Babylon. Even though he was known for his worship of idols many of the biblical prophets viewed him as being someone sent by God to punish the Jews for their sins. Thanks to King Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon was returned to the powerful city it was once known for. (Smith