Han Dynasty Religion

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It is said that religion is the manifestation of culture. The Han Dynasty is thought as one of the longest and most successful eras in the past. During the Han Dynasty, religion and culture were connected due to how religious traditions influenced the Imperial rule. The Imperial rule affected the culture of the Han Dynasty. This contributed to the growth of the Han Dynasty by creating unity among its people. Religion and culture will always be connected, no matter the time or place because religion is an aspect of culture. To begin, the Han Dynasty lasted from 206 BCE to 220 CE, making it one of the longest dynasties in China’s and the world’s history. This dynasty lasted so long because of its successful government and power, donning the golden age in China. An imperial capital was set up during the Han Dynasty that turned into a military, economic, political, and cultural center for all of China. This added to the power and prestige of the Han Dynasty. The triumph of the Han Dynasty was also accompanied by the invention of very practical tools. This includes wheelbarrows, pulleys, water-powered trip-hammers, and an early adaptation of a sheet of paper. Arguably, one of the most important accomplishments of the Han Dynasty was the Silk Road. This allowed other …show more content…

These trends eventually evolved into traditions. People of the same religion tend to group together, making their traditions similar. These traditions were a part of the culture, since everyone had them. Religion is a part of culture because it affects what people do and their everyday life. Also, Imperial rulers were affected by religion, just like the common-people. The ruler’s religion and beliefs influenced how he ruled. Laws were made that agree with the main religion of his people. These laws and an overall way of living created the culture of the Han

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