Han Solo Character Analysis

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George Lucas created Han Solo in the 1970's. In the original script of Star Wars, Han was supposed to be a monster rather than a pirate smuggler. Harrison Ford won the role of Solo, and he appeared in films IV-VII. Han wasn't the leading role of Star Wars, but he played a significant part, enough to show his heroism. Han was a loner, and he was always with his best friend and sidekick Chewbacca an eight-foot tall Wookie. Han was traveling the galaxy barely scraping by. He had a lot of debts that haunted him through the series. Bounty hunters were nearly jeopardizing his life as well as the rest of the star wars colleagues. Through his interactions with Leia and Luke gaining their trust, they grew on him as friends and became family. They fought …show more content…

Han has proven his worth by his dedication to his word. His timing may be off, but that's what makes him Han. The status quo, Han Solo traveled the galaxy a smuggler running from his problems. He was notorious for scamming people and being loaned money but not repaying it. His call to adventure was when he met Luke and Obi-Wan, who were looking for a ride to transport themselves as well as C-3PO and R2-D2 to Alderaan. They were looking for the fastest way to get there, and the only way was on the Millennium Falcon. While taking the four to their destination, they became trapped in a tractor beam from the Death Star. Hans departure is when he arrives during the dramatic battle of the death star and aids Luke in destroying it. His road of trials were through the Death Star helping to rescue Princess Leia. Their escape from the Death Star showed Han's conniving skills. Han had delivered the group safely to the secret rebel base where he then learned about the plans to destroy the Death Star. Here Han had the choice to join the rebellion but took the money and went on his way, but the group had left a mark on Solo from Obi Wans death to Vader. Obi Wans death was cause for him to go back and

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