Han Solo Trilogy: Mankind's Search For Self Identity

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It is not everyday that we get to sit down and ponder about our life. Thinking about our past, our decisions, the regrets. For some, they are always looking for answers about who they are. But not all, like Han Solo. In the Han Solo Trilogy by A. C. Crispin, Han Solo shows a perfect example about mankind’s search for self-identity: The quest of finding yourself, asking who am I? But Han Solo shows who he is, by living his life, not by dwelling on the many unanswered questions. Unlike Hamlet, the story by Shakespeare. These two might be complete opposites. Han Solo, like mine a fan favorite of many. I have always been curious about Han’s real past, which was untold in the movies. This trilogy not only answered every question I had, but became one of my favorites. But, these books taught me something very unexpected. It showed me something I never saw within Han Solo. A way of living that makes him very special. Because through my …show more content…

As you know many people go to college to find out what they want to become, it takes years. And many had dreams since they were kids, but they never finished them. Then Han Solo, he as a kid experienced flying. Dreamed of being a cadet for the imperial army. To become a pilot to fly ships he could never have imagined. He did not take years to figure out what he wanted, he knew and he grabbed his life to get him there. Right after he escaped he went to a religious colony that was looking for pilots. He needed money and experience to get into school. Of course a lot of events occurred before he got to the school, he barely survived. Though his past came to haunt him after being in school for a while. Even if he was one of the best in his class he had to leave. Leaving was something he never wanted to do, so he had to think of another way to do what he does best. Being a smuggler. Yes this got him into some real bad trouble, but he did what he loved and I am sure he never regrets