Han Zhitui Confucianism

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Primary Source Unit Three Yan Zhitui came from a Buddhism devoted family; it was traditional in his family to turn to Buddhism and not reject it. He strongly believed that a Confucian scholar could also be a committed Buddhist and anyone who rejected Buddhism but believed in Confucius was foolish. Although Confucianism and Buddhism eventually became distinct from “each other in depth and shallowness”(blah 185); they still were essentially the same. Buddhism carried five prohibitions that were similar to the “humanity, justice, propriety, wisdom and sincerity of the Confucianism scriptures” (blah 185). Yan became very devoted to Buddhism and never let his beliefs in Confucianism get in the way of that. Han Yu on the other hand argued against Buddhism, he believed that it was neither Chinese nor Confucianism. Han was a writer and poet “who defended the moral values of Chinese civilizations against corruption of foreign influences, especially Buddhism” (balh 187). Some, to be a cult that eventually spread throughout China, says Buddhism. Buddha (founder of Buddhism) was described as a barbarian man who wore clothes, that was untraditional of the Chinese. He was also said to not speak the home …show more content…

It was important for Yan because he wanted to prove that even thought his beliefs were of Confucianism; he was still capable of being devoted to Buddhism. Yan also defended Buddhism; he wanted to explain the five common misstatements people had on Buddhism and why they were false. Han on the other hand wanted Buddhism out of the Chinese civilization. He believed that since a lot of the people didn’t have much knowledge, Buddhism was taking advantage of them and making them believe in things that weren’t accustomed to the Chinese cultures ways. Han was devoted in getting rid of Buddha, he didn’t agree with his beliefs and thought Buddhism was destroying the Chinese

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