Hands By Sherwood Anderson

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The narrator's mysterious; The narrator popular; The narrator is a character from Sherwood Anderson’s third person omniscient story “Hands” and readers wouldn't want him any different. Sherwood Anderson had chosen third person omniscient to create a mystery and multiple different perspectives through the characters. Sherwood Anderson choose third person omniscient point of view for “Hands” so the reader can picture the events and the perspective of multiple character which then creates a story through the characters. Some might think entering multiple perspectives and creating a mystery would result in confusion; they're wrong. It is completely necessary to see each character's thoughts. Anderson wants to draw his reader in and intrigue them. Third person omniscient is necessary for Sherwood Anderson short story “Hands”. The point of view is also known as God’s eye view; it is where the reader can read all characters thoughts and actions and pieces from …show more content…

When the reader enters Wing Biddlebaum mind and see pieces of the story from his pov. Then the reader also sees George Willard’s pov which is where the mystery comes from. “As for George Willard, he had many times wanted to ask about the hands. At times an almost overwhelming curiosity had taken hold of him. He felt there must be a reason for their strange activity and their inclination to keep hidden away and only a growing respect for Wing Biddlebaum kept him from blurting out the questions which were often on his mind. ” (Anderson 2) The cited support proves to the narrator enter two different characters perspectives. Which then helps create the mystery, George Willard wonders what has happened to Wing’s hands and why they do the actions they do, but his curiosity keeps him from asking because George does not want to hurt Wing. Third person omniscient sets the mood and creates a mystery for the reader as they enter the mind’s of the