Hannah Palmer's Flight Paths And Their Impacts

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Flight Paths and Their Impacts Flight path by Hannah Palmer tells a great story of how Hartfield Jackson Atlanta airport came into play with communities. She goes into depth about her child hood and explains every memory that connects her to certain places in Atlanta. Palmer moved around a lot as a child and every house that she stayed in ironically was torn to the ground or made into something else. She calls it a curse that she carries, but it all buckles down to the airport being built and the expansion of the flight paths and runways for the airport. Palmer breaks down the difference between states and even the difference between one city (Atlanta) and the areas that were affected and named as bad after certain people of color moved in or whites moving in as well. This book expands on the five themes of geography as well as a …show more content…

As well as the struggle to get a job after the move from New York City to Forrest Park. After being in Brooklyn and not having the house they wanted they moved back home and most of everyone they knew thought it was a bad idea for them to move back to Forrest park because of the low-income families, crimes, and just the bad reputation that it has. She later on goes to explain about the “Two Mayors” in chapter six where she speaks about the mayor of mountain view, Ray King. King had been investigated by 7 grand jury’s, the IRS and the FBI, and was later charged with 5 things including assault, conspiracy, bribery, nepotism, etc. He went down as the “Crooked-Mayor”. She also went on to speak of the first black mayor Maynard Jackson. He is the name behind the Atlanta airport. While he was in office there was a lot of expansion and payouts of the land the people stayed on, and they classified it as being good to the neighbors by not having them around the loud aircrafts and

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