How Does Biff, Hap, And Linda Define Success

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Q1: How did Willie, Biff, Hap, and Linda define success? Answer: Willie, Biff, Hap and Linda however that achievement would only descend on .them imagined that on accomplishment in setting to the American dream they believed that being dedicated concentrate hard had nothing to do with what got in life. Willy accepts wholeheartedly in what he considers the guarantee of the American Dream—that an "well liked” and "personally attractive " man in business will indubitably and deservedly get the material solaces offered by present day American life. Q2: Why does Biff repeatedly steal things? Answer; Biff steals things on the grounds that it is his uninvolved forceful method for giving just desserts to individuals he feels have unjustifiably improved …show more content…

To comprehend his novel all the more altogether, Arthur Miller uses the most justifiable strategy for understanding, music, to express the feelings of the characters in his play, "Passing of a Salesman". The characters, Willy, Linda, Biff, Happy, and Ben, have a sure style of music and instruments depicting them to demonstrate the pursuer what sort of enthusiastic individual they are. Upbeat tunes constantly went down these circumstances. However, when his longing for the best transformed into the most noticeably awful, an unsavory melody upheld it up. At the point when Willy was befuddled, a variety of the two was listened. Human feelings are something we all underestimate in light of the fact that they are not legitimately caught on. Music is only one of the numerous ways that will make these feelings …show more content…

Why? Why not? Answer :Yes ,Willie is sympathetic character as he is very relatable and also evokes the feeling of pity and sympathy from the audience .As he is the pursuer of the American dream ,me are pursuers of our own dreams .dreams that can sometimes not be full filled and evoke the same frustration anger and guilt we see in Willie’s character. Q8: Why does Biff always want to go out West? Why doesn’t Hap want to go? Why does Hap decide to stay in New York? Answer: Biff wanted to go to the west because there his uncle Ben had had gained prosperity so since he becomes aware of his individuality he wants t go to the west while happy wanting to walk in his father’s footsteps stays in New York. Q9: Biff says nobody in the family ever told the truth. Why? Answer: Biff says this because in his family everyone has been hiding one thing or another for example his father was hiding the fact that he was cheating on his wife, and Happy was hiding the fact one of two assistants to the assistant buyer Q10: What is the picture painted by Miller regarding American business? Is it an accurate