Hard To Reach Group Participation Essay

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In order to improve housing services it is important to involve hard to reach groups in decision making. Name Professor Course Date In order to improve housing services it is important to involve tenants and especially hard to reach groups in decision making. Tenant involvement is a process where residents can take part through information and ideas to influence decisions about housing. This process is wide and ranges from providing housing information to the tenants to involving them in the direct management of the houses. Tenant involvement is important for provision of high quality services (Nic, et al., 2015). Involving tenants in decision making improves housing services. It improves services because it facilitates early detection of service failures and since resident are there all the time they have a better grasp of issues affecting them. Consulting tenants when building new houses or refurbishing existing ones leads to better services as it allows for early identification of potential issues (Tracy, …show more content…

Involvement of residents in tenant and resident associations (TRA) as members is the first step in the ladder of participation and they receive information through mediums such as newsletters. TRAs are groups of tenants living in the same area and address issues of common concern (Chartered institute of housing, 2010). From here, the residents would progress to active membership of the TRA where they would move higher in the ladder to being appointed to the regional forum, which is an umbrella body of tenant associations. From the regional forum the participants can be invited to sit on panel plus or to join a scrutiny panel which provides advice and makes recommendations to landlords. The highest level of participation is membership of the board of tenant management organization, which is body that manages housing services (Arnstein,

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