Harlem Renaissance Research Paper

457 Words2 Pages

The Harlem Renaissance was an exciting period for African Americans to express their culture. It began around the 1920s, in Harlem, New York. Art, literature, and music started to flourish. It helped African Americans with their identities as well as getting their voices heard. People like Langston Hughes and Nora Hurston created a new era of artistic freedom that celebrated being black. This allowed African Americans to start challenging racial stereotypes. It was influenced by a lot of things, but one of the key events that caused The Harlem Renaissance was the Great Migration, where many African Americans moved from the south to northern cities like Harlem. Looking for better opportunities, better work, a better life in general? The rush …show more content…

For American society, the Harlem renaissance made a huge impact. Basically everywhere they turned they saw black culture. Music, black art, literature and more became more popular. Jazz clubs started popping up all around, and so did African American music. It was everywhere. Writers were making poems and books that made people stop and actually think about being black and the experience of it. The influence on the Black community made a big impact as well. It held a spotlight on black excellence, ignited an awakening in the community, which made a much needed difference. It was a time when African Americans' creativity was on full display. This era gave the black community a new identity, one that honored their talent. But it wasn’t just art, it was a movement that started conversations about identity, civil rights and race. It showed the world the power and beauty of black culture. Overall, the Harlem Renaissance was more than just a way to get black talent out of the world, it was an expression of African American creativity and dignity. This era marked a turning point where the struggles and setbacks of black Americans were given a platform that influenced people of all