Harriet Ann Jacobs Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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Incidents in the life of a slave girl is an autobiography by a youthful mother and criminal slave distributed in 1861 by L. Maria Child, who altered the book for its writer, Harriet Ann Jacobs. Harriet Jacobs role in regards to the African American history is to teach and inform. Jacob's book is tended to white ladies in the North who don't completely grasp the wrongs of bondage. She makes direct speaks to their mankind to extend their insight and impact their musings about slavery as a foundation. In her biography she said “I want to add my testimony to that of abler pens to convince the people of the Free States what slavery really is. Only by experience can anyone realize how deep, and dark, and foul is that pit of abominations." (Edenton). …show more content…

“Born into slavery to Elijah and Delilah Jacobs in 1813, Harriet Ann Jacobs grew up in Edenton, N.C., the daughter of slaves owned by different families. Her father was a skilled carpenter, whose earnings allowed Harriet and her brother, John, to live with their parents in a comfortable home. Her grandmother, Molly Horniblow, was a beloved adult in young Harriet’s life – a confidant who doled out encouraging advice along with bits of crackers and sweets for her grandchildren.” (Edenton).
Harriet Jacobs wanted to preserve her plan to escape free. She wanted to gain her freedom and to inform Northern white women of the pain and suffering endured by African American females during slavery. With all the rape and disrespect that took place during that time, its logical that anyone would want to forget all the mental and physical abuse they received from their owners. Just like all successful abolitionist Harriet wanted to fight against slavery and all the torture it came along with. She strived to preserve the right for freedom and the rights that all female slaves were