This documentary begins by showing a white child playing and embracing a black child who’s her servant however, the narrator stated that “she turned sadly from the lovely site because she foresaw the blight that will fall on the slave heart”. When I heard that sentence I was thinking why would she be sad? Shouldn’t she be content a little for seeing a white child playing with a black child? I thought it shows a little less hate from their heart. It was rare to see a white child playing with black child because, I believe from a young age by the words and actions of their parents they would start treating a black child unfairly and see them as a lesser being let along play with them or share a hug. Children usually follow what their parent says …show more content…
Unlike many blacks Harriet master taught her how to read and write. She then became the first women to write a slave narrative. At a very young age her master was constantly after her, he would whisper fouled thing in her ears as she described, although he did not force himself into her he wanted to control her and would always remind her that she was is and one day she would submit to his demands. Harriet described a black girl beauty as a burden a curse because the masters would be after them and from that time they didn’t consider it as rape. Even in the court of the law the judges would say there is no such thing as the rape of a black woman. This is so sad and really hurtful to hear. Black women didn’t have any right even to their own body, a white man could force themselves into a black woman anytime they pleased but yet this was legal and there’s nothing they could really do about it. When the law is not on their side what could they have done to prevent this? Harriet then gave birth to a son then later on she gave birth to her daughter in all hope that the white man would give her and her children their freedom however, it wasn’t the case and to free her children she ran away. When she ran away and left her children behind I was thinking why would a mother leave her child behind? How is leaving them helping them in any way? Why couldn’t she take them with her but then watching the