Harriet Tubman Research Paper

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Do you know Harriet Tubman? If so, then you might know what she accomplished in her lifetime. On thing she was a slave for almost all her life until, she figured out how to escape. She discovered the underground railroad. That was the only escape if you were a slave. She even was a part of women’s suffrage movement. Harriet Tubman died on March 10, 1913 her birth was unknown because she was a slave. The important people in her life were her kid and her husband. Her kid name was Gertie Davis and she had two husbands, their names were Nelson Tubman and John Tubman.When she was a child it was different from your childhood she was a slave as a child. So her childhood was not fun.Since she was a child she was thinking about how am I going to get out of here. She …show more content…

She is famous for freeing slaves. Harriet Tubman helped society by making the underground railroad that got slaves out of slavery. What did Harriet Tubman participate in? She participated in the woman suffrage movement from 1848 to 1920. The one thing that was so important that she did was make the underground railroad that helped slaves escape. The thing she did that was important to be a part of black history is she helped almost all the black slaves from slavery. One of her quotes was “I freed a thousand slaves,I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves” What happen in Harriet Tubman’s life most of her life she was in slavery. Having to listen to all these people yelling at her telling her what she needs to do. If the farm yards working every day, even if it was cold or hot. Born into slavery in the 1820's, she escaped at age 30 and went on to become a leading figure in the anti-slavery movement. After spending 10 years helping other slaves escape via the Underground Railroad, she also served as a nurse and spy during the Civil War. She lived in Auburn and Maryland. How did she die? She died of Pneumonia it's when liquid fills your air

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