Harriet Vaill's Controversy Northrop-Ridge Interracial Marriage

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On August 23, 1823, Harriet’s brother-in-law, and Boudinot’s former teacher, Herman Vaill, wrote Harriet a letter urging her to choose a spouse as she saw fits regardless of race. He said, “You see I do not urge you to “Forbear”—choose who you please, white, or black, or red” (Gaul 80). This letter was written three years before Harriet and Elias married in 1826. Although Vaill claims he would accept any partner Harriet chose to marry, two years later on June 29th, 1825, as Harriet’s marriage becomes more imminent to a “red” man, Vail’s letter seemingly contradicts his earlier words. “I do, most affectionately advice, that you give up all present intentions, & all thoughts, of becoming united in marriage with an Indian” (Gaul 92). This second letter is loaded with biblical mentions, while condemning Harriet for her “selfish inducement” to marry an “Indian” for the consequences that he believed would come to bear (91). …show more content…

These emphatic, sanctimonious letters follow the controversial Northrop-Ridge interracial marriage that occurred almost a year before, which caused many critics to question the missionaries’ supposedly good