Harry S Truman Accomplishments

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Harry S. Truman once stated “that three experiences prepared a man for high political office includes farming, banking, and the army” (Ferrell). Harry S. Truman had experience in all of these fields from growing up on a farm in Independence, Missouri, to being a bank teller in Kansas City, Missouri, and then working his way up to a Captain in World War I. Eventually, all of these fields helped the Missouri native become the thirty-third President of the United States and play a large role in World War II and the Cold War. Policies like the Truman Doctrine helped defeat the spread of Communism in South America, Africa, and Asia. Harry S. Truman was a very active political face for all his efforts throughout his two Presidential terms. Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. Harry S. Truman’s father, John Anderson Truman, was a horse and mule trader and later moved his family to Independence, Missouri for better business and better schooling systems for his 3 children (“Truman Library & Museum”). Despite not have a college degree Harry S. Truman worked many jobs. Some of Harry S. Truman’s jobs included farming and banking up until he joined …show more content…

Truman entered politics in 1921 as a staunch democrat. Harry S. Truman was encouraged by Jackson County boss Tom Prendergast making Harry S. Truman county judge from 1922-1924. “Harry S. Truman was presiding judge from 1926-1934 paying close attention to county administration problems” (“Encyclopedia of World Biography”). Harry S. Truman was a strong supporter of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and was chosen to represent Missouri as a U.S. Senator in 1934 and was reelected in 1940. According to the Encyclopedia of World Biography, “Truman quickly reached the title as Chairman of the Senate Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program” (Gale). Harry S. Truman served as chairman for nearly four years before he was asked to be Franklin Roosevelt's Vice-President for his fourth term as

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