Legal Memo Draft From: Pranab Neupane To: Dr. Kelly Date : Oct 1, 2024. Subject: Has Sally Stone's Title IX right been violated by the Oklahoma public boarding school allowing Anna Arlen, a transgender female, to use the same common restrooms, despite not sharing living or shower facilities? Introduction: The firm represents Sally Stone, a 16-year-old cisgender female. She attends a Public Boarding School in Oklahoma for girls and lives in the dormitories. There are 10 designated common restrooms that each contain 10 toilet stalls with doors, 10 sinks, and 10 showers. The school also allows Anna Arlen, a transgender female to live in the dormitory and use the same toilet and sinks, but she needs to use a different solitary shower room. …show more content…
SB615, which required bathroom use to align with birth-assigned sex, was overturned in Bridge v. Oklahoma (2024), confirming that gender identity is protected under Title IX. Grimm v. Gloucester, 972 F.3d 586 (4th Cir. 2020), reinforced that requiring transgender students to use bathrooms based on birth-assigned sex violates Title IX, and CFR 106.33 allows separate facilities based on gender identity, not biological sex. Furthermore, Adams v. Sch. Bd. of St. John's Cnty., 57 F.4th 791 (11th Cir. 2022) clarified that restrooms are distinct from living facilities, so stricter regulations do not apply here. Since Arlen uses a separate shower and room, Sally’s case lacks strong ground under these …show more content…
1681). See the 1681. The Final Rule of Title IX mentions that “gender identity” is also protected, with its rights, meaning there can be no sexual discrimination on the basis of gender identity either. With the precedent from Bridge V Oklahoma (10th Circuit, 2024), Title IX applies to protect transgender students as well. Therefore, Arlen is protected under Title IX, 106.10(The Final Rule), and Stone cannot claim that her Title IX rights were violated because the same rule protects Arlen as she is allowed to use multiple occupancy restrooms as per her gender