
Hastin Tlo Tsi Hee's Short Story The Beginning

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In every culture there is always a creation story, a story that we can trace back to for how we came to be in our everyday lives. Using our traditions can create a pathway on how we should continue life, how we learn from mistakes or just a guide. In Hastin Tlo’tsi Hee’s short story “The Beginning” we learn how American Indian culture was created. The story begins by introducing 4 different clouds- Black, White, Blue, and Yellow. Using the power of the Clouds Man and Women were formed and along with them Yellow Corn was formed as well as the White Corn. Every religion or way of life has a different point of view on how the world was created. With the Indians however something that people tend to forget is the amount of respect they had …show more content…

What they ate? What they traded? and the relationships they had with each other. Something that Indians realized not soon after they were created was how small they actually were and how much they were given. The relations to animals was a protective state of mind they felt like they needed to protect them with their lives and it all comes back to the amount of respect they had to the land and what traditions were used. In every beginning in any socialization or group there always has to be an identity. And something that the American Indians struggled with was the fact that the new world they were in had been inhabited for years and they needed to find the correct place for themselves. In “The Beginning”, Gender roles were a big topic, Women and Men were equal in a sense where they explore this great new world together. In many other cultures the women were superfluous to the men, they had no meaning in life except to bear children and to clean the house. Something different with the gender role in “The Beginning” the Woman tells the Great Coyote to go steal a baby Buffalo and with the mistake the entire world collapses and Man has to fix everything. In Indian law one thing is clear and that is to stay true to your roots and traditions because they were formed to keep the life style going as well as the

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