Hate Speech Informative Essay

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Most people that live in the United States or are familiar with the culture of the people here would say that the U.S. is a diverse place where everyone can be accepted. Wrong. Hate speech has and will make sure that this won't happen anytime within the near future. Why can't we eliminate it, i mean the government could just pass a law and tell the right people to enforce it done, right? Well that there is just the problem that we have encountered while trying to stop hate speech. Hate speech is nearly undefinable because what classifies as hate speech? According to Dictionary.com hate speach is "speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation”. This could mean anything! This problem and more are the …show more content…

What i mean by undefinable is that it is hard to make a general rule as to what hate speech is. As of now it is defined as just something that offends a person or a group of people. It’s 2015! Everyone gets offended by everything! It could be the way you walk or it could be the ways you eat peas.( Not that cases of these have shown up much but i'm sure it offends someone.) An example that hits closer to home is the controversy of whether it should be called a Christmas tree or a Holiday tree. Which may not seem like not too big of a deal and childish to fight over something so simple and seemingly harmless but is this considered hate speech? Some might say no some might say yes but they can both have valid arguments: One could argue that it isn't hate speech by saying “I’m am not directly insulting anyone by calling it a Christmas tree” while on the contrary someone could back their side up by saying that it is insulting that to buy a tree to use for a holiday that they are christian and are celebrating a Christian holiday, while they feel as they are not. So how do we narrow the

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