Hauling Water Is A Living By David Sabawoon

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INTRODUCTION- Early in the morning every other day the tap runs for only two hours, drip, drip,drip. Then off the tap goes and the children are tiredly walking to go get water to sell in their neighborhoods and for there families to survive. Someone that is new here might think that they are all going somewhere to get an education but it's the opposite. They are on their way to a painful day and tiring journey, it's nothing new it just another normal day in their life. Trying to earn a living for themself and their families. “The Plight of Afghanistan Children Water Carriers” text by Sayeed Jan Sabawoon and the video “For Afghan kids. Hauling water is a living” by Zarif Nazar are about children who have to carry water for their families in order to survive. There are many similarities and differences in a video and a text, that the author a producer convey.
ONLY THE VIDEO- …show more content…

some kids parents have donkeys and when they go and get water they use the donkey and they can carry more water to take home and other kids parents do not have enough money to buy a donkey so when the kids go to get water they bring less home afterwards and have to make more trips to the tap. The video also discusses how many people and perspectives that there are that actually work every day and all day. These people are mostly children and they work until they drop. Literally they drop, in the video it talked about how a little boy named merawaz had broken his arm this is ne of the many perspectives that the video