Health Care System Strengths And Weaknesses

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United States has many strengths and weaknesses within the health care system. I am going to focus on the strengths of the health care system in the United States and how they measure up to the health care system in Japan.
The life expectancy of individuals within Japan is eighty three years, which is on average four years longer than in the United States. America now ranks 54th in the world for life expectancy (who). Japan 's emphasis on preventative medicine, and a healthy diet, is perhaps a large reason why citizens are considered to be one of the healthiest populations on earth. In the United States, our largest health care concerns don 't need to exist, HIV, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, tooth decay and many cancers are all curable through extensive prevention and awareness campaigns. There are over 1200 types of …show more content…

Japan health care is divided into three categories: employee 's health insurance which is directed by health insurance associations; public servants health insurance, which is directed by the central government as well as the local government, and self employed health insurance known as National Health Insurance. National Health Insurance also covers the unemployed and elderly who are retired (webjapan). Reliable health care is infinitely more accessible to a Japanese citizen, requiring a citizen to only walk into any doctors or specialists office when they need it, without prior authorization or referrals. In the United States, often citizens are caught up in the red tape needlessly created by insurance companies and many doctor offices. Some examples of covered services under the Japanese health care insurance are; in/outpatient care, dental, home care, prescriptions, long-term care, prosthetics, and even nursing home care for the elderly. Cash benefits are often given to the citizens for childbirth as well. ( The Japanese health care system is financed through payroll taxes paid by employers and employees on income based